Ronald Reagan is often cited for saying “Trust, but verify,” particularly in meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev (the origin of the phrase is the Russian proverb “doveryay no proveryay,” trust but check). The maxim Reagan was driving at was that the best form of trust isn’t blind, it’s based on facts. Verifying the facts about the people you do business with is sage advice, and Echo 7 Foxtrot, LLC has the tools to give you that edge. We offer several types of background investigations to meet your needs and can help make sure you remain in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and other laws, by either reviewing the forms and notices you currently use or providing compliant forms and notices that meet your needs. Contact us today to find out about our background investigations for:
- Tenant Screening
- Pre-employment
- Judgements
- Criminal History
- Sex Offender Status